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Save Our Grid, LLC

EMP and Solar

Tonya Van Beber • Mar 28, 2023

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attacks and solar flares are both rare but potentially catastrophic events that can cause widespread damage to the electrical infrastructure of the United States. EMP attacks involve the deliberate use of a high-energy burst of electromagnetic radiation to disable or destroy electronic devices, while solar flares are natural phenomena that release bursts of charged particles that can disrupt power grids and communication systems.

To protect the electrical infrastructure against EMP attacks and solar flares, the United States must adopt a multi-pronged approach that includes preparedness, mitigation, and recovery strategies. Here are some ways to enhance the resilience of the electrical infrastructure against these threats:

  1. Conduct risk assessments: The first step in protecting the electrical infrastructure against EMP attacks and solar flares is to conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify vulnerable systems and assets. This includes evaluating the potential impact of an EMP attack or solar flare on the power grid and communication networks.
  2. Harden critical infrastructure: The U.S. government and power companies must invest in hardening critical infrastructure against EMP attacks and solar flares. This can include shielding electronic devices and power grid components, installing surge protectors, and implementing redundancy and backup systems to ensure continuity of operations.
  3. Develop emergency response plans: The U.S. government and power companies must develop emergency response plans that outline procedures for responding to an EMP attack or solar flare. This includes procedures for shutting down and restarting critical infrastructure, prioritizing service restoration, and coordinating with other agencies and stakeholders.
  4. Conduct training and awareness programs: The U.S. government and power companies must conduct training and awareness programs for employees and the public to promote responsible practices and reduce the risk of human error. This includes educating employees on how to detect and respond to an EMP attack or solar flare and educating the public on how to prepare for and respond to power outages.
  5. Collaborate with international partners: The U.S. government must collaborate with international partners to develop common standards and best practices for protecting the electrical infrastructure against EMP attacks and solar flares. This includes sharing information and technology and conducting joint exercises and simulations to test preparedness and response capabilities.

In conclusion, protecting the electrical infrastructure of the United States against EMP attacks and solar flares is a complex and ongoing challenge that requires a multi-pronged approach. By adopting the strategies outlined above, the U.S. government and power companies can enhance the resilience and reliability of the electrical infrastructure and ensure the continuity of essential services in the face of any threat.

29 Jul, 2023
(Bloomberg) -- PJM Interconnection LLC has declared a level one emergency for the 13-state eastern US grid and called on all power plants to operate at full capacity Thursday during a heat wave.  The largest US grid issued an Energy Emergency Alert level one, meaning it is concerned about being able to maintain adequate power reserves on July 27 as consumers and businesses turn up their air conditioners amid scorching heat. PJM has ordered all power plants to be online and for consumers enrolled in demand-response programs to be ready to curtail their electricity usage to keep power supply stable, according to a notice late Wednesday.
26 May, 2023
Microsoft has uncovered stealthy and targeted malicious activity focused on post-compromise credential access and network system discovery aimed at critical infrastructure organizations in the United States. The attack is carried out by Volt Typhoon, a state-sponsored actor based in China that typically focuses on espionage and information gathering. Microsoft assesses with moderate confidence that this Volt Typhoon campaign is pursuing development of capabilities that could disrupt critical communications infrastructure between the United States and Asia region during future crises. Volt Typhoon has been active since mid-2021 and has targeted critical infrastructure organizations in Guam and elsewhere in the United States. In this campaign, the affected organizations span the communications, manufacturing, utility, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors. Observed behavior suggests that the threat actor intends to perform espionage and maintain access without being detected for as long as possible.
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